Ms. Keshia Stiles » CJSF


The purpose of the California Junior Scholarship Federation, a statewide organization of over 600 chapters, is to foster high standards of scholarship, service, and citizenship on the part of students of California’s public, private and charter junior high and middle schools.
CJSF points are granted as follows: 
A = 3 points
B = 1 point 
C = 0 points
D/F will debar from membership if received in ANY class, including PE or Elective. 
Lammersville CJSF students will need to apply based on their previous trimester's report card and submit an application to Ms. Stiles in Room 17 or via email.
Students will receive special recognition throughout their CJSF experience. They must remain in CJSF for the entire year to be eligible for most extra events/awards. Students must also be eligible for CJSF in Trimester 3 of any given year.
Email Ms. Stiles at [email protected] with any questions.