Extracurricular » Leadership


Lammersville Leadership Expectations

L-Listen to adults and other students carefully.
E-Excellent grades! We ask that you maintain grades of 2's/C or above and no 1's/ D's & F's.
A- Always follow directions
D- Do what you know is right. You are a role model to all, and students look up to you.
E-End bad behavior. If you are referred to the office for behavior, a discussion will take place with the principal and the leadership advisor to discuss your future in Leadership Club. You might be asked to not participate depending on the action.
R-Role Model. You are a role model and students look to you about how to act and behave.
S- Strive to be on time. Being a leader is a 24/7 commitment. Leadership meets every Wednesday at lunch recess in room 14. If you miss continually you will not be asked back. There also will be times on other days and before school where your presence will be needed.
H- Help as much as you can. In Club time we are working hard to get tasks done. Always give help when needed.
I- Incomplete work will not do. You need to keep up on your classroom assignments always.
P - Pick wise choices.

Being in Leadership Club is a privilege. I am glad you are taking the challenge. This plans to be a fun, packed year with a lot of activities. If you have any questions please email Ms. Stiles @ [email protected]
Click on the link below to be directed to Ms. Stiles ASB/Leadership page.