Extracurricular » Electives


Enrichment courses offered at Lammersville Elementary 

Advanced Band & Choir - This is typically a pull out class. Students will continue to grow in their musical abilities.


Leadership- Click on the Leadership Page for more information


Students will be planting spring crops and working to get the green house up and running with spring and summer crops.  We will be looking into how to make the chicken coop a functioning and sustainable option to add to our garden as well as starting the compost bin back up.  Students get the opportunity to grow, maintain and eat their own crops.  

App Creator- Students will recognize computer science as a means to computationally analyze and develop solutions to authentic problems through mobile app development.


STEAM - Students will utilize different mediums to construct and tackle real world problems.


Design & Modeling  - (3D Artz DeZign) Students will utilize design concepts to address schoolwide and/or community problems using art, photography, and 3D print modeling.